== Computed overpass times for NC Landsat dataset == https://grass.osgeo.org/download/sample-data/ --> http://www.grassbook.org/wp-content/uploads/ncexternal/landsat/ 1987, 2000, 2002 PROBLEM: the overpass time is not properly recorded in the .met files. SOLUTION: Overpass times derived from http://cloudsgate2.larc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/predict/predict.cgi sat date long lat (in WGS84) resolution (km) day only Landsat 5 14-Oct-1987 -78.69149946 35.74853512 4 yes Landsat 7 31-Mar-2000 same same 4 yes Landsat 7 24-May-2002 same same 4 yes Coordinates are from center scene, and reprojected from llc/nad83 to long/lat WGS84 using m.proj of GRASS GIS. Output from predict.cgi: GMT Satellite Satellite Viewing Solar Relative Scat ang Glint Satellite Satellite Dist to MODIS MOPITT MISR ASTER year mo da hr mn sc azimuth elevation zenith zenith azimuth (bk=180) prob(%) heading direction site (km) (1165 km) (320 km) (180 km) (30 km) 1987 10 14 15 20 47 283.75 85.18 4.82 49.60 137.01 126.80 2.45 193.33 descend 53.66 + + + - 2000 3 31 15 45 54 283.76 84.28 5.72 37.76 143.63 137.53 14.50 193.26 descend 63.72 + + + - 2002 5 24 15 42 9 283.17 84.06 5.94 24.48 162.10 149.82 53.75 193.26 descend 66.22 + + + - Comparing these results to the sun azimuth/elevation values in the Landsat metadata files (2000 and 2002 images), the values computed above are close but some small differences remain. -------- Analysis prepared in 2016 by Andrea Balotti, balotti.and AT gmail.com