National Land Cover Database Zone 59 Land Cover Layer

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Originator: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication_Date: 20030901
Title: National Land Cover Database Zone 59 Land Cover Layer
Edition: 1.0
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image
Series_Name: None
Issue_Identification: None
Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, SD
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
References:Homer, C., C. Huang, L. Yang, B. Wylie and M. Coan, 2004. Development of a 2001 national land cover database for the United States. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Vol.70,No.7,pp 829-840 or online at USGS acknowledges the support of NARSAL at the University of Georgia in development of data in this zone.
Online_Linkage: <>
The National Land Cover Database 2001 land cover layer for mapping zone 59 was produced through a cooperative project conducted by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium. The MRLC Consortium is a partnership of federal agencies (, consisting of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the National Park Service (NPS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). One of the primary goals of the project is to generate a current, consistent, seamless, and accurate National Land cover Database (NLCD) circa 2001 for the United States at medium spatial resolution. This landcover map and all documents pertaining to it are considered "provisional" until a formal accuracy assessment can be conducted. For a detailed definition and discussion on MRLC and the NLCD 2001 products, refer to Homer et al. (2004) and <>.

The NLCD 2001 is created by partitioning the U.S. into mapping zones. A total of 66 mapping zones were delineated within the conterminous U.S. based on ecoregion and geographical characteristics, edge matching features and the size requirement of Landsat mosaics. Mapping zone 59 encompasses whole or portions of several states, including the states of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. Questions about the NLCD mapping zone 59 can be directed to the NLCD 2001 land cover mapping team at the National Center, EROS, Sioux Falls, SD (605) 594-6151 or

The goal of this project is to provide the Nation with complete, current and consistent public domain information on its land use and land cover.
Corner Coordinates (center of pixel, projection meters)Upper Left Corner: 124575 meters(X), 1831230 meters(Y)Lower Right Corner: 1627410 meters(X), 1377660 meters(Y)Spatial-specific information not available
Beginning_Date: 19991030
Ending_Date: 20020704
Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Progress: In work
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As needed
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: Land Cover
Theme_Keyword: GIS
Theme_Keyword: U.S. Geological Survey
Theme_Keyword: USGS
Theme_Keyword: digital spatial data
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Category
Theme_Keyword: imagery
Theme_Keyword: Base Maps
Theme_Keyword: Earth Cover
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard 10-4,): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology
Place_Keyword: United States
Place_Keyword: U.S.
Place_Keyword: US
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: Zone 59
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology
Place_Keyword: South Carolina
Place_Keyword: North Carolina
Place_Keyword: Virginia
Place_Keyword: SC
Place_Keyword: NC
Place_Keyword: VA
Place_Keyword: Southern Piedmont
Place_Keyword: Northern Piedmont
Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints: None
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Customer Services Representative
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: National Center, EROS
Address: 47914 252nd Street
City: Sioux Falls
State_or_Province: SD
Postal_Code: 57198-0001
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 605/594-6151
Contact_TDD/TTY_Telephone: 605/594-6933
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 605/594-6589
Hours_of_Service: 0800 - 1600 CT, M - F (-6h CST/-5h CDT GMT)
The USGS point of contact is for questions relating to the data display and download from this web site. For questions regarding data content and quality, refer to:<> or email:
Data_Set_Credit: U.S. Geological Survey, NARSAL
Security_Classification_System: None
Security_Classification: Unclassified
Security_Handling_Description: N/A
Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcCatalog

The information on data quality for mapping zone 59 was generated by the Decision Tree algorithm that conducts a cross-validation for assessing classification and prediction reliability. No formal independent accuracy assessment of mapping zone 59 land cover has been made. The regression tree algorithm employed in NLCD 2001 mapping offers a cross-validation option for assessing classification and prediction reliability. Cross-validation can provide relatively reliable estimates for land cover predictions if the reference data used for cross-validation are collected based on a statistically valid sampling design. For mapping zone 59 land cover modeling, a 5-fold cross-validation was conducted by dividing the entire training data set into 5 subsets of equal size. For each model run, an accuracy estimate was derived using one subset to evaluate the model prediction (with the model developed using the remaining training samples). This process was repeated 5 times. After all 5 runs, an average value of all accuracy estimates from the 5 runs were computed. Users should be cautioned that these cross-validation results provide users with only first-order estimates of data quality, and should not be considered a formal accuracy assessment. This landcover map and all documents pertaining to it are considered "provisional " until a formal accuracy assessment can be conducted.
Attribute_Accuracy_Value: 83.9
The above listed value is the overall accuracy obtained for the land cover data using a cross-validation estimate from the decision tree model. This document and the described landcover map are considered "provisional" until a formal accuracy assessment is completed. The U.S. Geological Survey can make no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and it is provided with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete. Conclusions drawn from this information are the responsibility of the user.
The NLCD 2001 database for mapping zone 59 consists of three main data products including: (1) per pixel classified land-cover data (2) sub-pixel percent imperviousness and (3) sub-pixel percent tree canopy density. The land-cover database also includes three additional metadata layers that provide users a spatial node map of the land cover classification. The three layers are: (a) a spatial node map of the land cover classification, (b) a spatial confidence map of the land cover classification, and, (c) a text file of logical statements related to the land cover classification.

Conceptually, the descriptive tree is a classification tree generated by using the final minimum-map- unit land cover product (1 acre) as training data, and Landsat and other ancillary data as predictors. The goal of the descriptive tree is to summarize the effects of boosted trees (10 sequential classification trees) into a single condensed decision tree that can be used as a diagnostic tool for the classification process. This descriptive tree can be used to assess the relative importance of each of the input data sets on each land cover class. Such information may also be useful to customize the minimum-mapping-unit classification to meet a user's specific needs through raster modeling. Descriptive trees usually capture 60 to 80% of the information from the original land cover data.

The leaf or terminal nodes of the descriptive tree are assigned to sequential numbers (called node numbers) and mapped across the entire mapping zone on a pixel-by-pixel basis. These node numbers can then be matched with the various conditional statements associated with each respective terminal node. This spatial layer appears similar to a cluster map, but is the result of a supervised classification - not an unsupervised clustering. This node map can potentially be used as input by users to customize NLCD land cover, by linking the spatial extent of an individual node with the rules of the conditional statement.

The Land Cover spatial classification confidence data layer is provided to users to help determine the per-pixel spatial confidence of the NLCD 2001 land cover prediction from the descriptive tree. The C5 algorithm produces an estimate (a value between 0% and 100%) that indicates the confidence of rule predictions at each node based on the training data. This spatial confidence map should be considered as only one indicator of relative reliability of the land cover classification, rather than a precise estimate. Users should be aware that this estimate is made based on only training data, and is derived from a generalized descriptive decision tree that reproduces the final land cover data. However, this layer provides valuable insight for a user to determine the risk or confidence they choose to place in each pixel of land cover.

A logic statement from a descriptive tree classification describes each classification rule for each classified pixel. An example of the logic statement follows:

IF tasseled-cap wetness > 140 and imperviousness = 0 and canopy density < 4, then classify as Water

This logic file can be used in combination with the spatial node map to identify classification logic and allow modifications of the classification based on user's knowledge and/or additional data sets.

Additional information may be found at <>.

This NLCD product of mapping zone 59 Land Cover layer is the version dated 20050131.
Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report: N/A
Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report: N/A
The land cover classification was achieved by use of a classification and decision tree method (DT) using a combination of Landsat imagery and ancillary data. The specific DT program employed is called C5, which implements a gain ratio criterion in tree development and pruning (Quinlan, 1993). C5 also implemented several advanced features that can aid and improve land cover classification, including boosting and cross-validation. Boosting is a technique for improving classification accuracy, while cross-validation can provide certain level of estimation regarding the land cover classification quality. In addition, C5 can generate a confidence estimate for each classified pixel and record the associated classification logic in a text file that can be readily interpreted and incorporated into a metadata system.

To conduct the land cover classification using DT, a large quantity of training data is required. For mapping zone 59, training data were collected from several combined sources including USGS DOQQsNote that the training data were used to map all land cover classes except for four classes in urban and sub-urban areas (developed open space, low intensity developed, medium intensity developed, high intensity developed). All urban and suburban land cover classes were mapped and quality assessed separately through a sub-pixel quantification of impervious surfaces using a regression tree modeling method.

Following the development of the best classification through decision tree modeling, additional steps were required to complete the final land cover product. The four classes in urban and suburban areas were determined from the percent imperviousness mapping product (described in the next section). The threshold for the four classes is: (1) developed open space (imperviousness < 20%), (2) low-intensity developed (imperviousness from 20 - 49%), (3) medium intensity developed (imperviousness from 50 -79%), and (4) high-intensity developed (imperviousness > 79%). Other classes of forest and non-forest were combined with the urban classes to complete the land cover product. Finally visual inspection of the classification was made with areas/pixels that were wrongly classified delineated first as an "area of interest" (AOI), subsequently then limited manual editing was done to eliminate the classification error within the AOI.

The completed single pixel product was then generalized to a 1 acre (approximately 5 ETM+ 30 m pixel patch) minimum mapping unit product using a "smart eliminate" algorithm. This aggregation program subsumes pixels from the single pixel level to a 5-pixel patch using a queens algorithm at doubling intervals. The algorithm consults a weighting matrix to guide merging of cover types by similarity, resulting in a product that preserves land cover logic as much as possible.Acquisition dates of Landsat ETM+ (TM) scenes used for land cover classification in zone 59 are as follows:
Index 5 for Path 15/Row 34 on 03/24/00 = Scene_ID 7015034000008450
Index 7 for Path 15/Row 34 on 04/09/00 = Scene_ID 7015034000010050
Index 6 for Path 15/Row 35 on 03/08/00 = Scene_ID 7015035000006850
Index 4 for Path 16/Row 34 on 03/07/00 = Scene_ID 5016034000006710
Index 3 for Path 16/Row 35 on 03/05/02 = Scene_ID 7016035000206450
Index 3 for Path 16/Row 36 on 03/05/02 = Scene_ID 7016036000206450
Index 2 for Path 17/Row 34 on 03/25/01 = Scene_ID 7017034000108450
Index 1 for Path 17/Row 35 on 02/24/02 = Scene_ID 7017035000205550
Index 1 for Path 17/Row 36 on 02/24/02 = Scene_ID 7017036000205550
Index 8 for Path 18/Row 35 on 01/22/02 = Scene_ID 5018035000202210
LEAF ON (Summer)-
Index 5 for Path 15/Row 34 on 05/03/00 = Scene_ID 5015034000012410
Index 4 for Path 15/Row 35 on 07/04/02 = Scene_ID 7015035000218550
Index 3 for Path 16/Row 34 on 05/26/00 = Scene_ID 5016034000014710
Index 2 for Path 16/Row 35 on 06/09/02 = Scene_ID 7016035000216050
Index 2 for Path 16/Row 36 on 06/09/02 = Scene_ID 7016036000216050
Index 1 for Path 17/Row 34 on 06/10/00 = Scene_ID 7017034000016250
Index 1 for Path 17/Row 35 on 06/10/00 = Scene_ID 7017035000016250
Index 1 for Path 17/Row 36 on 06/10/00 = Scene_ID 7017036000016250
Index 6 for Path 18/Row 35 on 04/30/00 = Scene_ID 7018035000012150
LEAF-OFF (Fall)-
Index 7 for Path 15/Row 34 on 11/06/01 = Scene_ID 7015034000131050
Index 7 for Path 15/Row 35 on 11/06/01 = Scene_ID 7015035000131050
Index 6 for Path 16/Row 34 on 11/08/99 = Scene_ID 7016034009931250
Index 4 for Path 16/Row 35 on 10/28/01 = Scene_ID 7016035000130150
Index 5 for Path 16/Row 36 on 11/10/00 = Scene_ID 7016036000031550
Index 3 for Path 17/Row 34 on 10/30/99 = Scene_ID 7017034009930350
Index 2 for Path 17/Row 35 on 10/19/01 = Scene_ID 7017035000129251
Index 1 for Path 17/Row 36 on 10/16/00 = Scene_ID 7017036000029050
Index 8 for Path 18/Row 35 on 10/26/01 = Scene_ID 7018035000129950

Landsat data and ancillary data used for the land cover prediction -

Data Type of DEM composed of 1 band of Continuous Variable Type.

Data Type of Slope composed of 1 band of Continuous Variable Type.

Data Type of Aspect composed of 1 band of Categorical Variable Type.

Data type of Position Index composed of 1 band of Continuous Variable Type.

Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: Landsat ETM, DOQQ, USDA, FIA, DEM, National Center,EROS, IKONOS
Process_Date: 20050131
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: USGS NLCD
Natural Resources Spatial Analysis Laboratory, University of Georgia
Contact_Person: Kevin Samples
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: NARSAL
Address: Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia
City: Athens
State_or_Province: GA
Postal_Code: 30602
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 706-542-3489
Contact_TDD/TTY_Telephone: NA
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: NA

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster
Raster_Object_Type: Pixel
Row_Count: 15120
Column_Count: 12723
Vertical_Count: 1

Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
Standard_Parallel: 29.500000
Standard_Parallel: 45.500000
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -96.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 23.000000
False_Easting: 0.000000
False_Northing: 0.000000
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: row and column
Abscissa_Resolution: 30.000000
Ordinate_Resolution: 30.000000
Planar_Distance_Units: meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222

Entity_Type_Label: Layer_1
Entity_Type_Definition: NLDC Land Cover Layer
Entity_Type_Definition_Source: National Land Cover Database 2001
Attribute_Label: ObjectID
Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number
Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute_Label: Count
A nominal integer value that designates the number of pixels that have each value in the file; histogram column in ERDAS Imagine raster attributes table
Attribute_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001
Unrepresentable_Domain: Integer
Attribute_Label: Value
Land Cover Class Code Value. Class definitions marked with an asterisk (*) are Coastal NLCD Classes only.
Attribute_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 1
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: No data value, Alaska zones only
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 11
Open Water - All areas of open water, generally with less than 25% cover or vegetation or soil
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 12
Perennial Ice/Snow - All areas characterized by a perennial cover of ice and/or snow, generally greater than 25% of total cover.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 21
Developed, Open Space - Includes areas with a mixture of some constructed materials, but mostly vegetation in the form of lawn grasses. Impervious surfaces account for less than 20 percent of total cover. These areas most commonly include large-lot single-family housing units, parks, golf courses, and vegetation planted in developed settings for recreation, erosion control, or aesthetic purposes
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 22
Developed, Low Intensity -Includes areas with a mixture of constructed materials and vegetation. Impervious surfaces account for 20-49 percent of total cover. These areas most commonly include single-family housing units.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 23
Developed, Medium Intensity - Includes areas with a mixture of constructed materials and vegetation. Impervious surfaces account for 50-79 percent of the total cover. These areas most commonly include single-family housing units.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 24
Developed, High Intensity - Includes highly developed areas where people reside or work in high numbers. Examples include apartment complexes, row houses and commercial/industrial. Impervious surfaces account for 80 to100 percent of the total cover.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 31
Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay) - Barren areas of bedrock, desert pavement, scarps, talus, slides, volcanic material, glacial debris, sand dunes, strip mines, gravel pits and other accumulations of earthen material. Generally, vegetation accounts for less than 15% of total cover.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 32
Unconsolidated Shore* - Unconsolidated material such as silt, sand, or gravel that is subject to inundation and redistribution due to the action of water. Characterized by substrates lacking vegetation except for pioneering plants that become established during brief periods when growing conditions are favorable. Erosion and deposition by waves and currents produce a number of landforms representing this class.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 41
Deciduous Forest - Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater than 20% of total vegetation cover. More than 75 percent of the tree species shed foliage simultaneously in response to seasonal change.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 42
Evergreen Forest - Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater than 20% of total vegetation cover. More than 75 percent of the tree species maintain their leaves all year. Canopy is never without green foliage.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 43
Mixed Forest - Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater than 20% of total vegetation cover. Neither deciduous nor evergreen species are greater than 75 percent of total tree cover.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 51
Dwarf Scrub - Alaska only areas dominated by shrubs less than 20 centimeters tall with shrub canopy typically greater than 20% of total vegetation. This type is often co-associated with grasses, sedges, herbs, and non-vascular vegetation.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 52
Shrub/Scrub - Areas dominated by shrubs; less than 5 meters tall with shrub canopy typically greater than 20% of total vegetation. This class includes true shrubs, young trees in an early successional stage or trees stunted from environmental conditions.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 71
Grassland/Herbaceous - Areas dominated by grammanoid or herbaceous vegetation, generally greater than 80% of total vegetation. These areas are not subject to intensive management such as tilling, but can be utilized for grazing.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 72
Sedge/Herbaceous - Alaska only areas dominated by sedges and forbs, generally greater than 80% of total vegetation. This type can occur with significant other grasses or other grass like plants, and includes sedge tundra, and sedge tussock tundra.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 73
Lichens - Alaska only areas dominated by fruticose or foliose lichens generally greater than 80% of total vegetation.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 74
Moss- Alaska only areas dominated by mosses, generally greater than 80% of total vegetation.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 81
Pasture/Hay - Areas of grasses, legumes, or grass-legume mixtures planted for livestock grazing or the production of seed or hay crops, typically on a perennial cycle. Pasture/hay vegetation accounts for greater than 20 percent of total vegetation.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 82
Cultivated Crops - Areas used for the production of annual crops, such as corn, soybeans, vegetables, tobacco, and cotton, and also perennial woody crops such as orchards and vineyards. Crop vegetation accounts for greater than 20 percent of total vegetation. This class also includes all land being actively tilled.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 90
Woody Wetlands - Areas where forest or shrub land vegetation accounts for greater than 20 percent of vegetative cover and the soil or substrate is periodically saturated with or covered with water.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 91
Palustrine Forested Wetland* -Includes all tidal and non-tidal wetlands dominated by woody vegetation greater than or equal to 5 meters in height and all such wetlands that occur in tidal areas in which salinity due to ocean-derived salts is below 0.5 percent. Total vegetation coverage is greater than 20 percent.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 92
Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland* - Includes all tidal and non-tidal wetlands dominated by woody vegetation less than 5 meters in height, and all such wetlands that occur in tidal areas in which salinity due to ocean-derived salts is below 0.5 percent. Total vegetation coverage is greater than 20 percent. The species present could be true shrubs, young trees and shrubs or trees that are small or stunted due to environmental conditions.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 93
Estuarine Forested Wetland* - Includes all tidal wetlands dominated by woody vegetation greater than or equal to 5 meters in height, and all such wetlands that occur in tidal areas in which salinity due to ocean-derived salts is equal to or greater than 0.5 percent. Total vegetation coverage is greater than 20 percent.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 94
Estuarine Scrub/Shrub Wetland* - Includes all tidal wetlands dominated by woody vegetation less than 5 meters in height, and all such wetlands that occur in tidal areas in which salinity due to ocean-derived salts is equal to or greater than 0.5 percent. Total vegetation coverage is greater than 20 percent.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 95
Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands - Areas where perennial herbaceous vegetation accounts for greater than 80 percent of vegetative cover and the soil or substrate is periodically saturated with or covered with water.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 96
Palustrine Emergent Wetland (Persistent)* - Includes all tidal and non-tidal wetlands dominated by persistent emergent vascular plants, emergent mosses or lichens, and all such wetlands that occur in tidal areas in which salinity due to ocean-derived salts is below 0.5 percent. Plants generally remain standing until the next growing season.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 97
Estuarine Emergent Wetland* - Includes all tidal wetlands dominated by erect, rooted, herbaceous hydrophytes (excluding mosses and lichens) and all such wetlands that occur in tidal areas in which salinity due to ocean-derived salts is equal to or greater than 0.5 percent and that are present for most of the growing season in most years. Perennial plants usually dominate these wetlands.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 98
Palustrine Aquatic Bed* - The Palustrine Aquatic Bed class includes tidal and nontidal wetlands and deepwater habitats in which salinity due to ocean-derived salts is below 0.5 percent and which are dominated by plants that grow and form a continuous cover principally on or at the surface of the water. These include algal mats, detached floating mats, and rooted vascular plant assemblages.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Enumerated_Domain_Value: 99
Estuarine Aquatic Bed* - Includes tidal wetlands and deepwater habitats in which salinity due to ocean-derived salts is equal to or greater than 0.5 percent and which are dominated by plants that grow and form a continuous cover principally on or at the surface of the water. These include algal mats, kelp beds, and rooted vascular plant assemblages.
Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001 land cover class descriptions
Attribute_Label: Red
Red color code for RGB slice by value for canopy image display purposes. The value is arbitrarily assigned by the display software package, unless defined by user. Standard user defined ramp for NLCD project is start color light gray, end color red.
Attribute_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 100
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: CSS Color Value Percentage
Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.1
Attribute_Label: Green
Green color code for RGB slice by value for canopy image display purposes. The value is arbitrarily assigned by the display software package, unless defined by user. Standard user defined ramp for NLCD project is start color light gray, end color red.
Attribute_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 100
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: CSS Color Value Percentage
Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.1
Attribute_Label: Blue
Blue color code for RGB slice by value for canopy image display purposes. The value is arbitrarily assigned by the display software package, unless defined by user. Standard user defined ramp for NLCD project is start color light gray, end color red.
Attribute_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 100
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: CSS Color Value Percentage
Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.1
Attribute_Label: Opacity
A measure of how opaque, or solid, a color is displayed in a layer.
Attribute_Definition_Source: NLCD 2001
Range_Domain_Minimum: 0
Range_Domain_Maximum: 100
Attribute_Units_of_Measure: Percentage
Attribute_Measurement_Resolution: 0.1
Attributes defined by USGS and ESRI.
Class Red Green Blue
0 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
1 0.000000000 1.000000000 0.000000000
11 0.325490196 0.462745098 0.662745098
12 0.854901961 0.913725490 1.000000000
21 0.913725490 0.819607843 0.815686275
22 0.890196078 0.615686275 0.545098039
23 0.976470588 0.000000000 0.000000000
24 0.705882353 0.000000000 0.000000000
31 0.741176471 0.725490196 0.670588235
32 1.000000000 1.000000000 1.000000000
41 0.443137255 0.701960784 0.419607843
42 0.137254902 0.423529412 0.231372549
43 0.752941176 0.827450980 0.607843137
51 0.694117647 0.588235294 0.235294118
52 0.835294118 0.764705882 0.533333333
71 0.925490196 0.925490196 0.796078431
72 0.823529412 0.823529412 0.505882353
73 0.635294118 0.796078431 0.321568627
74 0.513725490 0.725490196 0.619607843
81 0.901960784 0.882352941 0.282352941
82 0.709803922 0.486274510 0.200000000
90 0.760784314 0.878431373 0.949019608
95 0.486274510 0.674509804 0.772549020
Attribute accuracy is described, where present, with each attribute defined in the Entity and Attribute Section. Note: To ensure all areas of mapping zone 59 are completely covered, a 3,000 meter (100 Landsat pixels) buffer was added to the boundary of mapping zone 59.

Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Customer Service Representative
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: National Center, EROS
Address: 47914 252nd Street
City: Sioux Falls
State_or_Province: SD
Postal_Code: 57198-0001
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 605/594-6151
Contact_TDD/TTY_Telephone: 605/594-6933
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 605/594-6589
Hours_of_Service: 0800 - 1600 CT, M - F (-6h CST/-5h CDT GMT)
The USGS point of contact is for questions relating to the data display and download from this web site. Questions about the NLCD mapping zone 59 can be directed to the NLCD 2001 land cover mapping team at the National Center, EROS, Sioux Falls, SD (605) 594-6151 or
Resource_Description: Downloadable data
Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the USGS, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the USGS regarding the use of the data on any other system, nor does the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Data may have been compiled from various outside sources. Spatial information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This information may be updated without notification. The USGS shall not be liable for any activity involving these data, installation, fitness of the data for a particular purpose, its use, or analyses results.
Format_Name: Arc/Info Export Format and/or ArcView Shapefile
Format_Version_Number: ArcGIS 9.0
Format_Specification: ASCII
Transfer_Size: 0.001
Network_Resource_Name: <>
The URL <> provides a map interface that allows for data downloads within a customer defined area of interest. Zoom tools are available that can be used to investigate areas of interest on the map interface. The download tool allows the customer to capture layers from the map, utilizing the Seamless Data Distribution System process for downloading. A request summary page is then generated with the download layers listed. By clicking the "download" button on the summary page, a zipped file will be generated that can be saved on the customer's computer. The file can then be unzipped and imported into various user software applications.
Online_Computer_and_Operating_System: Not available for dissemination
Fees: None
Ordering_Instructions: Contact Customer Services
Turnaround: Variable
Custom_Order_Process: Contact Customer Services Representative
ESRI ArcMap Suite and/or Arc/Info software, and supporting operating systems.

Metadata_Date: 20050617
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Customer Services Representative
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: National Center, EROS
Address: 47914 252nd Street
City: Sioux Falls
State_or_Province: SD
Postal_Code: 57198-0001
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 605/594-6151
Contact_TDD/TTY_Telephone: 605/594-6933
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 605/594-6589
Hours_of_Service: 0800 - 1600 CT, M - F (-6h CST/-5h CDT GMT)
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
Metadata_Access_Constraints: None
Metadata_Use_Constraints: None
Metadata_Security_Classification_System: None
Metadata_Security_Classification: None
Metadata_Security_Handling_Description: None
Online_Linkage: <>
Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile

Generated by mp version 2.8.6 on Fri Jun 17 12:02:56 2005